École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School


Inclusive Education

For information regarding the programs listed below, please contact Student Services at 780.929.1340.

Knowledge and Employability (K&E) 

The Knowledge and Employability courses are designed for students who meet the criteria and learn best through experiences that integrate essential and employability skills in occupational contexts. The courses provide students opportunities to enter into employment or continue their education.  The Knowledge and Employability route is a sequence of courses rather than a program and credit allocations. Students enrolled in this program obtain a Certificate of Achievement. Students in the K&E program will have the opportunity to upgrade and earn a High School Diploma.

Click here to view the requirements for a Certificate of High School Achievement.

K&E Core Course Outlines

English 10-4, 20-4, 30-4 

The aim of English language arts is to enable each student to understand and appreciate language and to use it confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and learning purposes.  Knowledge and Employability English language arts focuses on developing the basic language competencies needed for everyday living at home, in the community and in the workplace highlighting six language arts: listening, speaking, reading writing, viewing and representing.

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to

  • Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
  • Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and respond personally, critically and creatively.
  • Manage ideas and information
  • Create oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
  • Respect, support and collaborate with others.

Social Studies 10-4, 20-4

Learning related to the core concepts of citizenship and identity is achieved through focused content at each grade level.  The six strands of social studies reflect the interdisciplinary nature of social studies.  The strands are interrelated and constitute the basis for the learning outcomes in the program of studies.  The six strands are: Time, Continuity and Change; The Land: Places and People; Power, Authority and Decision Making, Economics and Resources; and Global Connections.

Math 10–4, 20-4

Knowledge and Employability mathematics courses focus on developing essential mathematics knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for everyday living at home, in the workplace and in the community.  This sequence is designed for students whose needs, interests and abilities focus on basic mathematic understanding; e.g., literacy.  Emphasis is on the acquisition of practical life skills and competency in using mathematics to solve everyday problems, interpret information and create new knowledge within the context of the home, the workplace and the community.  Mathematics competencies are developed through a problem-solving, experiential approach, using information and activities that directly relate to student’ current and future experiences.  Knowledge and Employability mathematics courses emphasize career/life skills, teamwork, communication skills and thinking processes.

Science 10-4, 20-4

Knowledge and Employability science provides basic science literacy.  The course promotes awareness, understanding and the development and application of science skills, knowledge and attitudes for successful living at home, in the workplace and in the community.  The key concepts covered are: Investigating Properties of Matter; Understanding Energy Transfer Technologies; Investigating Matter and Energy in Living Systems; and Investigating Matter and Energy in Environmental Systems.

CTS/Practicum Credits & Work Experience

To earn a Certificate of High School Achievement, in addition to the core course requirements, students need:

  • 5 credits at the 30-level in CTS courses (see the Handbook for details on the many options offered to fulfill this requirement) or 5 credits in a 30-level K&E occupational course (e.g. Logistics 30-4)


  • 5 credits at the 30-level in Work Experience


  • 5 credits in a 30-level Registered Apprenticeship Program course

Student Services will assist parents and students in ensuring these requirements are met by the end of grade 12.

To view expanded course descriptions, course sequences and prerequisite marks, please view the Student Handbook.

LEAP Program – Learning Everyday, Achieving Potential

The LEAP Program at ESBCHS meets the needs of students who have physical, intellectual, communication or multiple exceptionalities. Individualized special education programming and/or services are developed to help each student achieve their potential.

The LEAP program focuses on the core areas of Communication, Literacy and Numeracy. In addition to the core subject work, students will also be exposed to curriculum from Music, Art, Science and Social Studies to provide a well-rounded educational program. Students in the LEAP program will be registered in appropriate complementary courses in an inclusive setting. The final core element of this program is to provide each student with the opportunity to develop life and work skills that will assist in their transition to the community after high school.

OLCreate: Introduction to Inclusive Education An Introduction to Inclusive Education: 4.1 The inclusive learning environment
Click on the image above for a virtual 3D rendering of the LEAP classroom.