École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School


Graduation 2025

Graduation Committee – Staff Liaisons

Ms. Martini, Mrs. Nelson, Ms. Wallace, Ms. Gackle, Ms. Wohlgemuth, Mr. Flanagan

General inquiries email: [email protected]

The ESBCHS Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June 7, 2025 at the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre (Fieldhouse).

2025 Commencement Ceremony

  • Each graduate will be able to request up to TBD guest tickets (at no extra cost).
  • Graduates do not need a ticket.
  • This event will be live streamed
  • Members of the graduating class are welcome to attend both ceremonies
  • The class will be divided into 2 groups

GROUP 1 – Last Names: TBD

  • Grads to arrive at TBD
  • Ceremony will start at TBD

GROUP 2 – Last Names: TBD

  • Grads to arrive at TBD
  • Ceremony will start at TBD
  • There will be an hour long window between the two ceremonies for crossover of the two groups. At that time friends and families can meet outside for photos and well wishes.
  • The ceremony portion of the day will be done by no later than TDB, this provides students and families over TBD hours for group photos, larger family gatherings and meals between the ceremony and formal events.

There will be one all-inclusive grad fee that will include:

  • Grad gown and stole rentals
  • Keeper cap and tassel
  • Up to 4 guest tickets for the Commencement Ceremony
  • Two Class of 2025 Formal Event tickets (one per grad plus one guest each)
  • Live streaming services (Commencement only)
  • DJ
  • Event décor 

The grad fee of TBD is to be paid on the PowerSchool Parent Portal and is due not later than TBD. Any students who have not paid the grad fee will not receive their gown/cap/stole on TBD.

Ceremony Ticket Requests

Ticket Requests: TBD

Grad Gown Distribution – TDB

  • Gowns, stoles, caps and tassels will be distributed after school 
  • Students will bring gowns, stoles, caps and tassels home and will be expected to bring them to wear at the ceremony
  • Gowns & stoles will need to be returned after the ceremony, caps and tassels are to keep

Class of 2025 Formal Event

The ESBCHS Class of 2025 Formal Event will take place on Saturday, June 7, 2025 at the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre (Fieldhouse). This event is for the Class of 2025 to celebrate their time together in their finest attire with music, dancing and a digital photo booth.

Each participating graduate will be given two tickets to the Formal, one for themselves and one for a guest.

Doors Open at 7:30 pm Event Ends at 11:00 pm

  • Once admitted, there will be no re-entry to ensure a secure event.  There will be paid security on site.
  • No drugs or alcohol will be allowed on site.  Any participant or guest who appears to be intoxicated will be denied entrance and anyone not following the school and facility rules will be removed.
  • Snacks and water will be provided.

Graduation Photos

Individual Grad Photo Booking Information

Smart Photography will be here during exam week in January, 2025 to take Grad Photos. Please ensure you are booking appointments around your graduates’ exam schedule. More information to follow.

Grad Photo Submission

If your child had their Grad photo taken by anyone other than Smart Photography, please ensure that a photo is emailed to [email protected] for inclusion in the yearbook and the grad slideshow.

Grad 2025 Hoodies


Commencement Ceremony Criteria2024-2025

  • Must be a grade 12 student who has not participated in a previous commencement ceremony.
  • Adhere to the ESBCHS Student Code of Conduct as well as Section 31 of the Province of Alberta School Act.
    • Section 31 of the Province of Alberta’s Education Act states that a student has the responsibility to:
  • Attend school regularly and punctually
  • Be ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently
  • Pursue the student’s education,
  • Ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging, respect the rights of others in the school,
  • Refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means,
  • Comply with the rules of the school and the policies of the board,
  • Cooperate with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services,
  • Be accountable to the student’s teachers and other school staff for the student’s conduct, and
  • Positively contribute to the student’s school and community.
  • Must be a Student in Good-Standing
    • Students are eligible to participate in commencement if ESBCHS is the student’s primary school of enrollment.
    • Minimum of 60 credits by the end of Semester 1 of their grade 12 year.
    • Adherent to the conditions of a School Probation letter (if one exists)
  • Pay all school fees in full by November 1st of the current school year.
  • Pay Graduation fees in full by May 31st of the current school year.

Alpha group counsellors will review each grade 12 student’s progress in achieving their Alberta High School Diploma or Certificate of Achievement. Counsellors will provide administrators with a list of students with shortfalls and administrators will issue letters to parents/students. The letters will only be regarding diploma/certificate requirements and are completely separate from participation in the commencement ceremony.

Valedictorian Criteria

The honour of Valedictorian is awarded to the grade 12 student who has achieved the highest academic average for their graduation year. Calculations are based on six academic courses. Courses that are required are as follows:

All students must include:

  • one course from Column A (Top Humanities) and
  • one course from Column B (Top Math/Science) and
  • four additional courses listed in the table above.

For any diploma course that has been completed, the blended mark will be used in the calculation. For courses that are still in progress, the current course mark will be used. If a student completed a diploma course in a previous year, that course will be used in the calculation.

The average will be calculated at the end of quarter three, using completed course marks and midterm marks for semester two courses. The valedictorian should also represent Ecole Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School’s core values and be in good standing with the school.

Salutatorian Criteria

The designation of Salutatorian for the graduating class each year is given to a grade 12 student who excels in the following areas, and is voted for by their peers:

  • Student is in good academic standing and has acted in accordance with the ESBCHS Code of Conduct
  • Student demonstrates strong public speaking ability
  • Student is involved in the school beyond the classroom setting (has extra-curricular involvement)
  • Student demonstrates friendliness, courtesy, respect for and acceptance of others

Student Conduct

We encourage all parents to talk with their graduands concerning proper conduct during graduation events. Because these are formal programs and we are presenting it to honour those students who are about to reach this initial milestone in their lives, we want to take steps that will ensure that the conduct is consistent with the event. When you are organizing transportation to and from the events, please take steps to ensure that students arrive at the ceremony and banquet without being under the influence of any kind of intoxicants.

Prior to the ceremony, we will have staff helping with the grad line-ups. If we feel a student has consumed alcohol or drugs, we will ask his/her parent(s) to come and have the student sit with them in the audience for the duration of the ceremony.  Further disciplinary action will be taken at the school and may include suspension and/or tickets being revoked.

In 1996, the Board of Trustees of Black Gold Regional School Division adopted the following policy concerning alcohol at graduations:

1. The board will not support any legal claim against an employee and/or volunteer who has authorized alcohol at a student activity.

2. No alcohol is to be served or sold at school graduation formals or events.

3. Student activities, whether or not they take place on school grounds, are to be alcohol free.

This policy indicates the minimum penalty for a student who attends a school function under the influence of alcohol or drugs would be a suspension from school for a set period and depending on the seriousness, it could result in suspension from school along with a recommendation to the Board for expulsion.

It is our sincere hope that all participants in the graduation events will extend their full cooperation with regards to this matter. Through this cooperation, we will take every precaution to ensure that the graduation will be safe and orderly, and that it can continue to be an occasion that graduands, parents, staff and guests can look back on with pride.

We would like to ask all parents of graduands to discuss this matter with their child prior to both events.  If there are any questions or concerns, please contact a school administrator.

Grad 2024 Live Stream Video

Please visit the link below to view the Grad Live Stream Video including the commencement, speeches and graduate slideshow.


ESBCHS Full-time Student Status

In order to be considered a full-time student,  ESBCHS requires that students adhere to Black Gold School Division’s Administrative Procedure 335 on Student Course Loads which  reads as follows:

APM 335 (https://www.blackgold.ca/about-bgsd/procedure-manuals/)

In order to make optimum use of facilities and resources, high school students are to register in sufficient courses each year in order to allow for graduation within three (3) years.


  1. High school credits are to be registered through the local school
  2. Grade 10 students are recommended to register for a full course load of forty (40) credits or more
  3. Grade 11 students are recommended to register for a minimum of thirty-five (35) credits
  4. Grade 12 students are recommended to register for a minimum of fifteen (15) credits per semester
  5. A Principal may waive these requirements if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student’s educational program.