École Secondaire Beaumont Composite High School


Prospective Students

Registration Inquiries & Procedures

Please direct all registration and course selection inquiries for new and returning students to [email protected] or call 780.929.6282 during business hours.

PLEASE NOTE: If your child attended ESBCHS or one of our designated feeder schools (Ecole Champs Vallee School, Ecole Dansereau Meadows School or Ecole J.E. Lapointe School) in 2024-2025, you DO NOT NEED to complete the following steps to register as a New Student.

CLICK HERE to access Beaumont Student Registration Information.

All parents & students are encouraged to attend the Open House.

Parents and students registering for the 2025-2026 school year who are new to Beaumont or did not attend one of our feeder schools (see list above) are encouraged to attend out Out of District Registration Night on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 from 4 pm – 6:30 pm.

  • Parents are strongly encouraged to complete the online registration student form prior to attending this event (see link below) although there will be kiosks available to complete the form.
  • Parents must bring a CURRENT REPORT CARD OR MARKS LISTING in order to be able to choose courses.

Steps for New Student Registration

  • A new student is defined as anyone coming from a school in another school district (e.g. STAR Catholic, EPSB, another Alberta School Board or coming from out of province/country) or anyone who was previously a Black Gold Student at some point and has been away from the district for at least one school year.

For further information about registration or to book an appointment, please contact Student Services at 780.929.1340.

Online Registration Form

Please click on the applicable image below, based on whether you are registering for this current school year (2023-2024) or next school year (2024-2025) to access the New Student Online Registration form.

Select this linked image above to register for
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR

Parents will be required to CREATE an account on the enrollment site. PLEASE NOTE: The account that you create on this enrollment/registration site will not need to be accessed after the form has been completed and is not the same as a PowerSchool parent account. You will be issued a PowerSchool parent account at the time of your registration appointment or will receive an email after the Out of District registration evening, which takes place on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.

Required Documentation

Several documents are required to complete the registration. The online portal has an upload feature that can be used for all required documentation. Please note: uploaded documents should be in PDF format or can be an image.

If you are unable to upload these documents from within the registration form portal, please email a scanned copy or a photo taken with your phone, to the following email address: [email protected].

  • Proof of Citizenship
    • Canadian Birth Certificate or Certificate of Canadian Citizenship or documentation to support your Canadian residency (e.g. Permanent Resident Card, Study Visa, Parent’s Work Visa etc.). Contact the school for more information.

  • Verification of residency in the ESBCHS catchment zone
    • A document showing the parent or guardian name and your local address within the ESBCHS catchment area.
    • Acceptable documentation for proof of residence includes: driver’s license, utility bill, offer to purchase, rental agreement etc.
    • Please click on the link below to verify your home address is located within the ESBCHS catchment area. Which School do I Attend?

  • LEGAL documentation is required for Custody or Guardianship
    • Parental Custody Agreement must be provided if there are restrictions on access.
    • For students who do NOT live with their parents:
      • If parents live in Alberta, a Guardianship Letter from the parents must be provided. Please contact school for more information.
      • If parents live outside Alberta,  Legal Guardianship must be applied for through the Provincial Court of Alberta. If the guardian has initiated the process for transferring legal guardianship, proof must be provided (e.g. a copy of the application form is acceptable).
      • If appropriate documentation is not provided, parents could be charged a tuition fee.
Purple shows English language program boundary

Green shows French Immersion program boundary

  • Student Transcript/Report Card
    • You will be required to provide the most recent report card or print out of most recent marks from your current school’s online portal, (e.g. SchoolZone or PowerSchool etc). Ensure semester 1 final marks are included if you are coming from a semestered school. If you are registering more than one month into the school year, you will be required to present a progress report for each course the student is currently taking. Please upload a transcript/report card with the New Student Registration, or email a copy. PLEASE NOTE: The registration process cannot be completed without this documentation.
    • If you did not upload the birth certificate, proof of residency in the Beaumont school area or if you have not supplied a list of most recent marks from the previous school (both semesters if applicable), you may bring those documents with you then.

Book an Intake Appointment

If you are registering after the Registration Evening (April 18), you should complete the online registration form and once it has been completed, the school will contact you to book an appointment to complete the registration process and make course selections. Contact Student Services at 780.929.1340 or email [email protected].

Course Selection Information

Once you have completed the district’s New Student Registration online form, including uploading/submitting all required documentation, you will have an intake meeting which will include seeing a counsellor who will assist you with the course selection process.

  • To expedite this process, you are asked to review the grade-level specific information links below.
  • It is strongly suggested that you print off and complete a course planner showing your course preferences. To print off a course planner, select the appropriate grade-level for next year from the blue grade-level boxes at the bottom of this page.
  • Please also review the Frequently Asked Questions section on each grade-level page.

Click here to view our Student Handbook

Are you a Beaumont student?

If your child attended ESBCHS or if your child was a grade 9 student at one of the three Beaumont feeder schools (Ecole Champs Vallee School, Ecole Dansereau Meadows School and Ecole J.E. Lapointe School) in the previous year, DO NOT complete a new student registration. CLICK HERE to get to the Beaumont student registration page.

If your child attended Ecole Mother d’Youville School for grade 9 and you wish to enroll them at ESBCHS for grade 10, you will need to follow the New Student Registration process outlined above. Parents are encouraged to contact the school as early as you can in the spring (starting early March) to ensure your child is enrolled with the rest of the incoming Grade 10 students.